I do not



Your hair was a sweet and sugary syrup on the blank canvas of your afterthoughts
After the monster in your mouth grappled with the incense dimly lighting your tonsils,
He ended each fingertip with a salvaging dance along your cuticles

And this is the story behind the poison you injected into your pitying phrases
This is the story between the decision you made and the numbness you experienced afterwards,
While glowing glory out behind the bends of your elbows


Hey. So, uh...

Attaching the words: "God-given" to a statement does not automatically make it the pure and holy Truth above all truths.

For example:

"Preserve the Constitution's God-given right to keep and bear arms."
Hey, I'm a mentally retarded convict named Sasquatch. God gave me the right to own a gun. NO.
These unalienable rights are not meant for everyone. This is why controversy exists over this particular topic. Guns allow anyone to kill anyone, and it's really freaking easy for people to get a hold of them. That is...anyone.
No, I'm not like completely opposed to people owning guns. I know a lot of very responsible and loyal citizens that would never be casual with their firearms. I just think that people need to stop thinking just about themselves, and start remembering that there are a whole lot of other people out there - a unique and diverse array of them, and their opinions count just as much as yours...going by the whole "equality" thing we sometimes take heed of.

Stop throwing God's name around, too. Being republican, being a patriotic American, being in the military, being whatever is looked highly upon by the USA these days - does not allow you to make blasphemous statements. Don't act like you and Jesus have late-night conversations about all the right answers to American policies.

And freaking be respectful of Obama. I'm very disappointed that several God-fearing people I know think it's OK to talk crap about our president. Here's a little reason why I feel this way:

1 Peter 2:13-17.
"Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men-- as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king."

Politics are crappy enough without having to drag God down with everything else.


There's just no way around it.

There's no way I'm ready to do this, or selfless enough to go through with this. But all the same... I'm doing it.

I don't really know what to expect, so I can't say that I'm excited. But I kind of do know what to expect. I know I'm going to be listening to God, or as much as possible. But the weird thing is, I haven't been close to Him at all lately. Really weird distance. It's like not being sure if your best friend is upset with you. That kind of a feeling, I guess, if you don't know God. I don't like it at all. But I'm doing it to myself. It's always my fault, never His. That part kind of sucks, because you know you can never ever be blameless. It's sort of something I haven't entirely let go of yet.

Blameless as a baby stomping on ants.

I just looked over some of my journals from my freshman and sophomore year of high school. I was so cocky, and so stuck and stubborn, and about five hundred other negative adjectives. God, I was such the epitome of teenage girl. Sucks. It's weird that my handwriting was so much better when I was younger. Isn't that supposed to be reversed? Oh, and note this: "Aiichiwawah!" I wanted my journal to experience that sound.

Does anyone else have a problem with completing tasks?
It's weird that certain things bring us such satisfaction. We can't uphold our marital vows, but we can surely gain some frightening momentum for our worst and smallest habits.

My written journal is leagues more valuable to me than this thing. I don't like that this entry is such a journal entry. Sorry about that, by the way. I'm trying to remedy it, but I'm falling pretty quickly and steeply here. Whatever. Sometimes I wonder if I'm holding myself back too much, and then I remember some things that I promised this Guy and next I wonder if it's brainwashing.

It's not.


o c


Questions seem to arise like brain cells exist and we're dancing together as if we weren't locked between legs and arms and necks, and the blood flow shortens - comparable to the restriction of your tonsils when a smooth and sour toxin sludges down your esophagus, funny plays, funny plays, experimental plays, dramas and dramas - comparable to nose bleeds, insistent twitching of the eyes, and the way that they don't notice for once that small defect that you really don't care so much yourself about, And then 'tis steered directly under a bridge: very, very small, short, round - round? rounded, and soft - soft? malleable; as malleable as the mind of the creator and as fixed as the mind of the Creator.